

Wednesday 23 September 2015

This weeks show featuring 3hrs of tunes from Sunday Night at the Blackpearlparty

We have even more great tunes from this years Blackpearlparty 2015. We are thinking of putting together a compilation CD as we managed to record over 46hrs of top tunes a lot of you have asked about a CD. 

So leave it with us at the show and we will see if we are allowed to produce one.

Toxic Tegan plays a great 2hr set 

We really enjoyed Tegan's full-on night time set had everyone on the dance floor having it. I am sure we will hear a lot more from Tegan.

We also have a great hour set by a young Dj Joe who played out  the night into the sunrise
Great tunes as always 
BlackPearlParty 2015

DJ Joe
We are starting our free ticket competition again and have some great freebies to give you. 
T.Shirts, Festival Tickets, CD's Party's.
If you are a artist and would like us to play your tunes feel free to send over to the show we do listen to all the mixes/tunes we get sent .

Thursday 17 September 2015

More great tunes from this years Blackpearlparty 2015

Well we have finally packed away the last of the party for this year. Its always a little sad to do so. But we are back next Spring Time for our Free Full Moon Forest Party May 21st 2016 so make sure you make a note of it.

All Back In Its Pirates Chest Until Next Year 

We love to say thanks to all you lovely people who come along and party with us faeriepirates.
We do hope you enjoy this weeks show although many of you will be at this years Alchemy hope the sun is shinning.

 We are heading out to our last outdoor event which is Goa Cream

This is a great event all in aid of Kosmicare UK so lets hope they have a good turnout of fellow Psytrancers
We have two winners for Goa Cream 
Paul Card has won two tickets well done Paul see you there.
I am off to India for a few months so hoping to keep the weekly show going as I venture out to try and find some top psytrance party's.
Here is a link to some amazing photographs from this years Blackpearlparty enjoy

This weeks show brings you another 3hrs of great tunes from this years Blackpearlparty details coming soon
Our 1st mix up tonight is the very last set of the party with Silas playing us all out with his Monday afternoon mix.

DJ Psylas BioPulse Records Silas has just been signed to a record label 
Well done he is one of the shows favourite artists 

Our 2nd mix on the show tonight is Dj Svess from Sunday night at the Blackpearlparty 2015

Dj Svess

We loved your set Sophia welcome to the faeriepirates.

Monday 7 September 2015

Blackpearlparty 2015 tunes from the Saturday Night

What a wicked party we all had so many liked minded people all striving for the same thing the right to party in the woods.

Welcome to the faeriepirates Tribe

We managed to record so many great sets so have decided to put a show on each week featuring some of the highlights. Tonights show features 3 amazing artists who played top tunes top of night Saturday
Mutalien's and  Dj Sutekh

Saturday night partying in one of the very best underground psytrance party's in the UK in a outdoor forest location

As the show has now taken off we will be looking for freelancers to join the team . We have some many events to cover within the psytrance world we are happy to need more of you lovely people. So if your a writer,photographer or have something that would enhance the weekly show get in touch.
We are also looking to add various interesting articles as we are shortly moving to a new website .

After another amazing underground psytrance party the Blackpearlparty 2015 was even better than the last one. So many top artists came to play and so many lovely people came to enjoy our 3rd year in the woods

In memory of the best party cat in the universe he sadly lost his short life

Shadow loved to party with us 

We will be producing a compilation CD best of the Blackpearlparty 2015

We managed to have our best underground party yet. So many lovely people came into a wonderful North Wales forest setting to party for 4days all a full moon sky.

This weeks show features just a small part of the party we have managed to give you 3hrs of psytrance. 
Look out for our CD which we will be putting together some of the highlights. Also if you would like to check out some of the images from the party why not check out Anne-Elise and her new website.
Anne-Elise is well know on the party and festival scene. She always manages to capture the essence of the party .

Here is Anne-Elise is website featuring some amazing events